Curiosity Over Conflict with Pantsuit Politics

Today, our cohosts welcome another set of cohosts—specifically, Sarah Stewart Holland and Beth Silvers of the Pantsuit Politics podcast. The show has been featured in the New York Times, the Atlantic, and was named by Apple Podcasts as one of the Best Shows of 2021. Sarah and Beth are also the authors of I Think You’re Wrong (But I’m Listening): A Guide to Grace-Filled Political Conversation and, more recently, Now What?: How to Move Forward When We’re Divided (About Basically Everything).

They also happen to both be mothers, and have lived what it means to examine the realities of division and strife in our world today and dialogue with children in a way that lends grace and hope. Sarah and Beth share stories and wisdom from their personal and professional lives in a conversation you won’t want to miss.

Learn more about Pantsuit Politics and the women behind it here.


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